Monday, October 3, 2022

Ire In The Age Of Doom-Posting, Pt. 4 By Jon Hall

 Ire In The Age Of Doom-Posting, Pt. 4

By Jon Hall

Last issue, I wrote of an exodus from the “modern” way of living many find themselves currently stuck in. We buy and pay back into a rigged system that doesn’t benefit us – only the ultra-rich. Consider this… cell phones, typically one’s main source of the news, social media, entertainment (regressive mind distractions when binged in excess as many are wont to do), simply did not exist as they do today twenty years ago. Two decades ago, fledgling cellular technology – now proven to negatively rewire the human mind and thought patterns – infiltrated society right under our noses, in front of our very eyes in such a quick span of time. It’s a massive understatement: most do not realize the impact cell phones have had on humanity. True comprehension of the consequences smartphones have had on societies worldwide would first even be admitting there’s a problem. Not only are cell phones location trackers, keeping tabs on you pinging between cell towers (yawn, already know this… don’t care… zzz…), they also serve as “daily programming”. Think of how many people get breaking news alerts or headlines or articles sent directly to their phone. The very instant information is published, it also goes to millions of home screens. From screen, millions will digest and process the info, letting it shape their mindset. Sounds volatile, no? Full disclosure: I carry a smartphone even preaching on this bully pulpit. However, my app notifications are turned off – so nothing from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram… anything. I very sparingly tweet, barely use other socials. No matter how breaking they may be, I’ve turned off any news alerts to my home screen. This is what I mean when I speak of an exodus. For some, I’m sure the prospect of “unplugging” seems impossible. For others, it may come more naturally. Do I still use my phone and the internet? Absolutely. I listen to music and occasionally watch movies. I don’t think I’m hypocritical in these actions as my “vices” don’t control, let alone even effect my daily life. As far as self-imposed isolation goes, it may not be the right strategy for everyone. In fact, I may be best suited to warn of potentially “over-indulging” on this revolt away from the “old world”. You could easily ostracize yourself from social groups or friendships depending on just how far you decide to take it. There is a fine line to be tread, as with anything… The key to it is moderation. For instance, at one end of the spectrum is someone figuratively overdosing on movies, celeb drama, fashion, whatever – filling their mind to the brim with waste. Meanwhile, at the polar end of the gamut there is someone who has inadvertently cut themselves off from friends and family because of the mindset that using any tech whatsoever is corrupting. No. Back to the middle! An exodus. Not only from the brainwashing of mind-altering news headlines but from a reactionary, anger-filled lifestyle as well.

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